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is a general Agencies & Contracting company specialized in water treatment projects and founded in 1984 . Techno Install GET STARTED ABOUT US have been supplied & installed in all Egyptian governorates & to most of the companies dealing in water treatment projects as TI maintains its good reputation & leadership in the market. Techno Install systems and equipment GET STARTED VIEW PROJECTS

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About us

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Techno Install is a general Agencies & Contracting company specialized in water treatment projects and founded in 1984.

TI systems & equipment have been supplied & installed in all Egyptian governorates & TI have excellent reference with most of companies dealing in water treatment projects as TI maintains its good reputation & leadership in the market.

Our Vision

Improving society daily life concerning water resources efficiently while ensuring its safety by developing & improving a professional staff.

Our Mission

To deliver high end projects with optimum price in a perfect quality with long term lifetime & with continuous technical support while respecting our values.

Our Best Services

Scope Of Supply & Installation

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We Offer Maintenance & Quality Services

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